Finally, managers hired from the outside will often have business contacts with suppliers, customers, and technicians that they have developed in their previous job. Clearly these contacts can be a valuable asset for the company that hires managers from the outside.
contact 接触,联系?supplier 供应商
technician 技术人员
previous 之前的,先前的
asset 资产,财产
1. contact:touch,link,meet 联系,接触
2. business:commerce,trade 商务,商业
3. customer:consumer,client 顾客,客户
4. previous:ago,fore 之前的,先前的
5. asset:property,virtue,finances 资产,财产
An important reason for hiring outsiders as managers is that they bring a new perspective.
一个重要的原因就是从外部聘请的管理者会带来一种新的视角。 The new perspective an outsider brings into the company's corporate structure often leads to conflict in the managerial team.
Another major factor to be con sidered is the cost of on-the-job training.
另外考虑到的一个重要因素是在职培训的费用。 Another point to note is that hiring outsiders may entail an additional cost that perhaps isn't obvious.
Finally, managers hired from the outside will often have business contacts with suppliers,
customers and technicians.
最后,外部聘用的管理者有相关工作和领域的供应商,客户和技术员的人脉关系, When key employees leave, they will also take their valuable business contacts away with them to their new employer.