第一题的题目是One of your friends has an upcoming interview, can you give him some suggestions? 它和2014年考过的朋友需要做presentation,请你给意见、朋友要在一群人面前发言很紧张,请你给意见等题目是比较相似的,都是从一件具体的事情入手,从给意见这个角度考察我们条分缕析的能力。要给意见,就首先得对在做这件事情过程中可能遇到的问题有想法、继而有合理的解决手段,所以在思考时,我们应该从非常实际和个人化的角度入手,先去想一想如果是你自己去做这件事情,可能会遇到什么问题,然后你会如何处理,最后再把这些解决手段用提意见的方式表现出来——注意,因为是给一个朋友提意见,那么你语言的对象应该是这位朋友,所以要多用类似he/she should的表达方式。
Interview在这里是面试的意思,并非采访;这个词用做采访这个意义的时候,通常用的是动词性,所以这里如果想表达朋友有一个采访的话,用的将会是Your friend is interviewing…,大家审题时应该注意区别。面试是我们在生活中经常会遇到的场景之一,我们对于其过程中可能出现的问题也应该有充分的了解和心理准备。我的思路是,把面试分为前中后三个部分,这样多点汇聚,绝对不会出现思维卡壳的现象。
首先,面试前,我们需要做好准备(preparation)。准备从穿合适的衣服(dress properly),到提前写好一段自我介绍(write a short self introduction),再到透彻了解你所要面试的机构/面试你的人(do some research)等等,不一而足。对于准备来说,最重要的建议显然是要全面(be thorough),因为准备充分从外在来说会给面试人留下一个良好的印象(leave a good impression),内在来说,也会让面试者不那么紧张(nervous)。
其次,面试中,态度(attitude)当然是我们首要关注的问题。展现良好态度的细节包括早到(get there a little early if you can, and definitely don’t be late)、自信(be confident)和礼貌(be polite/courteous)等等,如果我们的语言能力比较强的话,还应该想到比如善于展现自己的优势(show your best self)、积极与面试者交流而不是机械地回答问题(engage the interviewer in conversation, instead of just answering his questions)等一些更细化的点。展现这些东西可以有助于面试者更好地了解你,并且做出有利于你的决定(give the interviewer a chance to know you, and make decisions that are right for you)。
最后,在面试后,有经验的面试者也会有一些有用的建议,比如说写邮件感谢面试者啦(write a “thank you” email to your interviewer),过一段时间之后问一问进度啦(follow up on your interview process)等等,这些也是可以说的,不过口语题恐怕说不了这么远,我们还是更紧地抓住前面两个步骤,选择自己熟悉的语料来建构答案。
Q: One of your friends has an upcoming interview, can you give him some suggestions?
A: For an upcoming interview, my suggestion would be firstly, my friend needs to be well prepared, for example, he could write a short self introduction and memorize it just in case, and probably do some research on what kind of a person or institute his interview is or represents, and try to be as thorough as possible. Because this would help him leave a good impression, and he’ll probably be less nervous going into the interview. Also, he should try to be confident and polite during the interview, and answer the interviewer’s questions thoughtfully and in detail, instead of just making generic statements. He should try and show his best self, this way he’s more likely to succeed in achieving his goal for this interview.
第二题则完全是一道机经题。110709CN的第二题题干是Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who are 18 years old are not mature enough to vote. 而这次的第二题,据我们掌握的回忆机经,题干是Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children under 18 should be allowed to vote. 考的其实完完全全是同一件事情,就是投票的年龄。虽然这对我们来说并不是一个日常问题,但原因其实还是很好找的,我们以下试试从两个方面找找不同意——也就是18岁以下的孩子不应该被允许投票这个侧面的原因。
首先,投票的目的是选出政治领袖(political leader),但是对于绝大多数18岁以下的孩子来说,他们的生活相对简单、社会经验(social experience)比较少,政治对于他们的生活影响十分有限(limited influence),所以他们可能并不能做出正确的决定。
其次,投票是公民(citizens)表达自己观点(express their own opinions)的一种方式,而大多数18岁以下的孩子还和父母住在一起,所以他们的观点会明显地受到父母、家人的影响,所以他们投出的票可能并不代表他们的意见。
Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children under 18 should be allowed to vote.
A: Personally, I disagree with the statement, so I think children under 18 should not be allowed to vote. Firstly, the goal of voting or elections is to choose a political leader that could represent most people’s interests, but for most under 18-year-olds, they still live a very simple life of going to school and hanging out with their friends and family, so politics only has very limited influence on their life, and their lack of social experience would not help them to make meaningful decisions; And also, since most of them are still living with their family, their points of view would be inevitably affected by those of their parents’ or other family members’, so if they’re allowed to vote, they’re not necessarily expressing their own opinions.