很显然,其差别就在于优秀范例其实是将正话反说,也就是我们平时习惯于写A is more important than B.但是优秀范例故意写为B is no important than A.正话反说,凸显自己的表达方式的多样化。^_^
之后的优秀范例:Admittedly, art museums and music performance is of great importance.强势PK平庸范例的We believe art museums and music performance center values a lot.
可以说优秀范例里的Admittedly写得很漂亮,凸显自己的词汇量,中国学生很少这么用。不过,其实平庸范例里面的values a lot也可以算是一个小亮点。
至于之后的Confucius, greatest Chinese philosopher其实这本身是个亮点,至于之后的“Art helps a person gets a better life.”和 said art may give more pleasure.都算是平庸水平。
然后优秀范例是: To go to art museums to appreciate those art works and to go the music performance center to listen to symphony help people get improvement in mental life.对比平庸范例的Watching art in the art museums, and Listening the music in the music performance center can improve our spirit world.
显然优秀范例的几个点还是不错的,分别是appreciate,symphony和improvement in mental life。可以说主要是显示自己的用词的准确性。什么叫做准确性呢,其实就是,当你想说听“贝多芬的交响曲”,你写的是Beethoven – Symphonies而不是music,就是用词准确。
当然本段最大的亮点,就是优秀范例的最后一句话“But it does not mean that recreational facilities take the second place. ”首先,“But it does not mean that”这个表达方法“这并不意味着”专门用来表示否定,中国考生就很少会用到,这个是该记在本子上的^_^。然后的“take the second place”。地道!十分的地道!直译过来是“占据了第二的位置”,不过真正的意思是“没那么重要”,但是将“But it does not mean that”和“take the second place”连起来用,就表示“这并不意味着XXXX不重要”,也就是肯定了XXXX的重要性!这个表达方法无老师强烈建议各位考友们学过去!绝对是令人眼前一亮的表达!