对于不会考虑别人感情,甚至会伤害别人的人可以叫jerk,程度重一点可以说asshole,有时候也简称为A hole. 一般描述男身比较多一些,再比如程度在加深点可以说dick 比如,男朋友劈腿了:He cheated on his girl and he is such a dick.
当然并不是所有的词都是骂男生,如果一个女生一点都不体贴并且态度很恶劣的话我们就可以说:She is such a bitch. bitch 指比较专横,态度恶劣的女性,但是注意找这个人的私生活放荡是没有半点关系的。所以bitch并不是婊子。
婊子是whore, 比如:She sleeps with every single guy in the office, and she is such a whore.
一个书呆子不太社交只知道dota看视频看片儿的人可以说dork, nerd. 形容词的话可以用:nerdy, dorky, cheesy 也可以但是cheesy更多的是指一点也不时尚,品味很低。
Her boyfriend is kinda cheesy, and he dresses like an old man.
He is such a dork and he stays indoors most of the time and doesn't have many friends.
一个智商低、很笨的人可以叫dope, 或者dipshit, 注意dipshit非常offensive,dipshit直译为侵入在屎里面。 形容词比如:
dopey, clueless;
例子:He is clueless, and people think he is a dope.
身材好的女生和男身都可以叫hottie, stud 专指身材好的男生,女生的话可以可以叫babe。
例子:That stud is really buff, and I bet he works out a lot in the gym.
That girl is so hot, and I think she is a 10.