

雅思口语学习网站:a story from TV

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2012-01-22 12:44




【 liuxue86.com - 托福口语 】

本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《a story from TV》。

A Story from TV (Sept. 6, 2008)

Describe an interesting story you watched on TV.

You should say:

When you watched it

Who was in the story

What the story was about

and explain why you thought it was so interesting. *


and explain what you thought about this story. *

我认为这个题目可以和 A Newspaper or Magazine Article (May 9, 2009)合并,所以列在这里。一定记住:这两个话题都是让你讲故事的,而不是把重心放在电视或报纸杂志上。当然,后边的问题都是关于电视或报纸的。

Describe an article you recently read in a newspaper or magazine. *

You should say:

what magazine or newspaper it was

when you read it *

what the article was about

and explain what you thought of this article *


and explain why you remember this article. *

A sample from New Oriental School:

Just today I read a story in Beijing Youth about a Beijing vice mayor getting fired for taking bribes involving construction of the 2008 Olympic Games. I was happy when I heard the news. From what I’ve seen, China has a massive problem with corruption, and I think it’s about time they started doing something about it. It seems like there is an enormous amount of money wasted every year because officials are taking bribes and it does a lot of damage to the Chinese people. If the government halts this trend, I think it will be a great thing for us. Money will be spent in places where it can do some good. There have been quite a few stories of this nature lately, and it shows a positive development.

雅思考试很痛苦,我们给您力量.感谢您拜读我们问您准备的《a story from TV》一文.本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《a story from TV》。

My sample:

Recently I watched a TV program called “On Humanity” on CCTV-8. (如果是报纸文章就改为:read an article in Beijing Evening) about a girl in Inner Mongolia who was raised by a goat. The poor girl was born an orphan and she lived with her 60-year-old grandpa. Since the family was so poor, they could not hire a nanny, and the grandpa found a goat for the little girl. The goat rejected the girl at first, but later, she developed a strange bond with the little girl. Whenever the girl cried, she would lie down quietly to feed the girl with her milk. There were even pictures of the girl and the goat snuggling together. I felt sorry for the girl because she was deprived of parental love at birth. But I found it amazing how love could go beyond the bounds of animal species. It was an extremely touching story.

See Notes

Possible follow-up questions:

* Did other people in your family also think that was a good TV program?

Yes, it has a lot of moving stories and we always watched it together on Saturday evening.

* Did you talk about that program with your friends or family?

Sometimes, we did.

* (Similar to above) Have you (ever) told that story to other people?

Yes, I am so moved by the story that I tell everyone about it.

* Would you recommend that TV program to your friends?

Yes, sure.

Part 3

TV and Society

Note: For some of the questions below, the wording might be, "radio and television", not just "television" (TV).

TV Tastes in China

* What kinds of TV programs are most popular in China? FQx2

It’s hard to say. I believe that it depends on the different age group. The young might enjoy watching fashion shows, sports events, etc, while the older people might prefer to watch the TV series, or the talk show, or some program on diet and healthy lifestyle.

* Why do you think people like to watch TV? FQx2

Watching TV is a good way to relax for many people. The program is interesting and fun and it is a good way to kill time. Besides, it cost almost nothing to watch TV.

* Do you think people today watch more television than they used to?

No, I don’t think so. Personally, I spend less time watching TV now than I used to, for I am too busy with my schoolwork.

* Do old people like watching TV?

Yes, I believe so. They have so much leisure time and watching TV is a good way to have fun and relax.

* What types of TV programs do children like to watch?

The cartoon type, I guess.

* Do people prefer to watch entertainment programs or educational programs (such as documentaries)?

I suppose most people prefer to watch the entertainment program, because TV is a way to relax, not to learn or study.

* Are the TV programs in China very different to TV programs in the West (e.g., the U.S.)?

雅思考试很痛苦,我们给您力量.感谢您拜读我们问您准备的《a story from TV》一文.本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《a story from TV》。

Yes, I believe that the TV programs in China are more conservative than those in the West. For example, when we first watched Friends (《老友记》著名的美国电视连续剧), we were shocked by the talk about sex. We do not talk about sex openly in our TV program.

Watching TV in Relation to the Family

* Why do people watch TV? FQx2

People watch TV to relax, have fun, and maybe learn something practical, for instance, how to cook.

* (Similar to above) Why do you think watching TV is such a popular activity for people to do at home? FQ

It is a good way to relax, and it costs little. What’s more, the families could spend some time together in front of TV.

* How do you think TV (or TV programs) influence people's relations with others?

I believe that TV programs help to bring people together. For example, my grandpa who is retired now watches TV series every night so that he could talk about the story with his friends the next day. He sometimes even argues with his friends about whether the girl in the TV series should get married or not. It fulfills his life.

* Would you say TV plays a positive role in the lives of people?

Yes, it brings entertainment to many people and helps them to pass their leisure time.

* Do you think TV has any effects on family relationships?

Yes. TV offers a good opportunity for the family members to get together. They can watch the story and later discuss about it. It offers them a way to communicate.

* Do you think it's good for family relations if people watch a lot of TV?

Watching TV can bring the family members closer. But if they watch too much TV, it might do more harm than good, because they will spend less time talking with each other.

* What are the benefits for family members watching TV together?

Yes. TV offers a good opportunity for the family members to get together. They can watch the story and later discuss about it. It offers them a way to communicate.

* (Similar to above) What do you think are the benefits of having parents watch TV with their children? FQ

Yes. TV offers a good opportunity for the family members to get together. They can watch the story and later discuss about it. It offers them a way to communicate.

雅思考试很痛苦,我们给您力量.感谢您拜读我们问您准备的《a story from TV》一文.

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