Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why.
有害健康:pose a threat to your health:
hurt your eyesight, get dizzy, backache, neck problems, obesity;
出版商审查并且批准一些信息:publisher checks and approves the information
作者都是权威:authors are authorities in a certain field
因特网的信息不准确: source might be unreliable;
Well, personally I would like to use paper books to do research. Sitting in front of the computer poses a threat to your health, like staring at the screening for a long time hurt your eyesight, you get dizzy, and there are other problems like backache, neck problems, and even obesity. Also, the information in books is reliable, the publisher checks and approves the information and the authors are authorities in a certain field. However, the information on the internet is not reliable since everyone can post information.