TPO1 中有篇文章是 The Origin of Theater, 当谈到人类发展戏剧的动机时给出了两个理论,一个是说人类喜欢模仿,另一个人类擅长幻想。关于幻想的这一段话是一个非常好的写作素材。
Another, advanced in the twentieth century, suggests that humans have a gift for fantasy, through which they seek to reshape reality into more satisfying forms than those encountered in daily life. Thus, fantasy or fiction (of which drama is one form) permits people to objectify their anxieties and fears, confront them, and fulfill their hopes in fiction if not fact. The theater, then, is one tool whereby people define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities.
…. humans have a gift for fantasy, through which they seek to reshape reality into more satisfying forms than those encountered in daily life. Thus, fantasy (of which movie is one form) permits people to objectify their anxieties and fears, confront them, and fulfill their hopes in fiction if not fact. The film, as a result, is one tool whereby people define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities.