题目:European Green Crab: Tough Survivor
GreenCrab,原产地在欧洲西海岸,但通过shiptransportation的方式逐渐widespread the world。它能够生存是因为对环境有适应力,适应温度能力较强,食物来源广泛,繁殖能力很强,并且因为体型较小,人类不会进行捕杀。相对Asian crab and blue crab有较强竞争力。因为more robustbody。科学家通过实验发现green crab找到食物location的能力更强,并且有更强的食物争夺能力,虽然Asian crab is more aggressive
European Green Crab: Tough Survivor重复2016.09.10上午(本年度新题)
考句:Certainly green crabs have many of the attributes that seem to be prerequisites for successful invasion, including the ability to rapidly produce large numbers of offspring (one female green crab can lay up to 185,000 eggs per clutch and can produce clutches twice a year) and the biological tools needed to survive the environmental differences from one region to the next.
解析:这是文章句子简化题所在句。句子的难点有三:一是词汇量大,如attributes,prerequisites;二是长难句经典难点之并列对象的寻找(and the biological tools究竟与前面哪个成分并列,进而影响句意);三是抽象语义,即翻译成中文也不太明白作者所指的表达,如句尾出现的“the biological tools needed…”,什么叫做“被需要能够忍受从一个地区到下一个地区的不同环境差异的生物工具”,真是翻译成中文也不明白作者在说什么(这时候需要向后文寻找抽象语义的具体对应)。结果下一句话又是一句长难句:These tools include an unusual tolerance for wide ranges of water temperature and salinity, a widely varied diet that includes mainly bivalves such as oysters, clams, and mussels but also other crabs, seaweed, aquatic worms, insects, and small fish, and an aptitude for learning new foraging techniques. (分了三个层级的多重并列和大量生词)