海龟(sea turtles)数量急剧下降,已经濒临灭绝。有几种方法可以阻止海龟数量继续下降。
第一种方法是修建一种金属围栏(metal fences)来保护海龟蛋不被捕食者吃掉。由于海龟蛋经常被捕食者吃掉,所以在海龟蛋的周围修建铁丝栅栏可以保护他们。
第三种方法是制定一个法律让渔民捕鱼的时候使用海龟逃离器(turtle excluders)。渔民之前捕鱼的时候所用的渔网会迫使海龟窒息而死。如果渔民使用海龟逃离器可以避免海龟游到渔网中,以减少海龟的死亡率。
第一,修建金属围栏会对海龟以后的生存和繁殖产生不利影响。在海龟蛋旁边修建了金属围栏,会干扰磁场(distort magnetic field)。幼小的海龟就不能发展对它们生存至关重要的磁场感来航行。
The professor discusses that each suggestion to help reverse the decline in sea turtle population put forward by the writer has a weakness.
First, the writer says that building metal fences around turtle eggs could protect them from predators. But the professor makes the point that turtles may have troubles in surviving and reproducing later if they are protected by wire fences. The young sea turtles might not develop the magnetic sense properly If wire fences are around them. It is because metal fences would distort the magnetic field.
Second, as for the banning of the plastic bags, the professor states that it would not solve the problem. Because of the wide use of the plastic bags for a long time, there are already billions if not trillions of plastic bags in the ocean, and it takes hundreds of years to decompose these plastic bags. Even bags can slowly break up into smaller pieces, they remain harmful to sea turtles.
Finally, the professor holds the opinion that the benefit of using turtle excluders is very limit which is contrary to the reading material. The simple reason is that the fishers are reluctant to use excluders. By using these turtle excluders, the fisher’ income would decline because the number of fish they catch would reduce. So they would not use it the whole time. They may remove the excluders once they are not seen and then put it back when they return to the shore.