Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effective through doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects, which do you think is more effective for students to learn.
1. 写论文可以锻炼泛读、资料搜集、归纳总结和批判性思考等能力
2. 科技在发展,知识需要不断更新,因此并不存在永恒的客观题
3. 靠死记硬背获得的知识很快会忘记
主观性测试:subjective test
精读:do intensive reading
推断结果:deduce conclusions and findings
机械性记忆:mechanic memorization
托福口语Task 2参考范文:
I would prefer to take a subjective test and write an essay. First, in such test, we are given a precious chance to train the skills of information collection, reading and writing. To write a good essay, we have to do intensive reading, collect relevant information and deduce our own conclusions and findings. In this process, we will surely develop our analytic and critical thinking skills. Second, with the fast development of science and technology, a lot of so-called objective questions turn out to be subjective and out-of-date. Third, in most cases, we will soon forget what we have crammed up for an objective exam. Mechanic memorization is just meaningless.
As for me, I consider those academic activities like writing research papers, completing group projects, etc., are more effective ways for students to learn both academic stuff and practical techniques. Although exams and activities have the same importance in final scores, the latter definitely requires more attention and efforts, so students tend to take activities much seriously. When I was in undergrad school, we had group projects for almost every course. Some of them were the defining factors of final score. So we had no choice but working hard on reading previous papers, searching for materials in the library, doing surveys all over the campus. Through this process, we learned far more stuff than just taking exams, like critical thinking, art of cooperating, data analyzing, interpersonal skills and things like that.