Inevitably, multitasking is becoming a must for today’s work force due to the accelerating speed of life. Some employees must deal with hundreds of emails and inter­office communications every day. Because of this, employees must learn multitasking in order to use time with higher efficiency. Instead of spreading one’s attention on various and countless assignments, multitasking allows one to switch the focus from one task to another in a relatively short time. For example, the ability to schedule a meeting while waiting for an employee’s response is a fundamental skill for any manager. Those without the ability to multitask will be buried by endless phone calls, emails and paperwork.
accelerating 加速的
✎ The accelerating pace of urban life diminishes an individual’s leisure time and causes psychological strain.
relatively 相对地=comparatively
✎ Profits from small enterprises would further enrich the local community and turn the relatively poor farmland into a truly profitable development zone.
Inevitably, … 最终地、不可避免地
✎ Inevitably, people’s behavior reflects their nature.
✎ Inevitably, we will encounter various challenges that we cannot handle by ourselves.
长远目标 long-term goal
短期目标 short-term goal
业绩评估 performance assessment
职业前景 career prospect
能胜任的 competent
努力做事 strive to
投入的工作 be committed to/be devoted to one’s work
适应新环境 adjust to a new environment