阅读第一篇日本建筑演变,说是16 17世纪房子结构简单,都是木制的。人们经常搬家,所以房子也经常拆除建造,不过有些原材料是可以重复利用的。说是当时人们结婚,家里面是不允许离开家很远居住的,所以有时候一家会有两套房子。
到了18世纪,政府权力变大,需要很多人聚集在城市供差遣, 于是便从中国取经。中国都城建造非常雄伟气派,日本领导很喜欢。又到了后来,可移动的房子和固定的恢弘的建筑有了融合,民居还是可移动的,但是政府建筑都是固定的。
1. describe a particular strength of the education system in your country.
2. Do you agree that it's necessary to have a mobile phone in order to achieve success in business.
3. Jane Franklin proposed to add fridge in kitchen and a sign-sheet to arrange use time. The boy opposed because the dorm is small and it will need to take other stuffs down if try to add a fridge; students are busy in classes and activities, and may have no plan for when to use kitchen so no need for a sign-sheet- if you really want to use, you can wait for a while if it's occupied.
4. Quality Control Circles. Lecturer gives a example of factory which made metal part for car. The cost of factory is greater than profit. Supervisor held a QCC with workers who work in front line and they pointed that it's because of lack of light that caused workers made mistake which lead to the waste of labor and materials. Company updated the lighting system, and workers made less mistakes. Net profit of factories improved.
5. Boy moved to apartment outside campus and it's twice as expensive as he anticipated. He has two ways: 1 is to find a roommate to split the ren, but cons is less privacy space as for now he can controls his time for study; 2nd is to take part-time job as waiter in the restaurant down the apartment, but cons is the time is Fri and Sat night during which time he always plays with his friends.
6. Lecturer talks about the two benefits of trees: 1. can absorb pollutants in the air including CO2 from car gas; 2. can control water flow in the rainy days as leafs prevent rains from hitting the concrete directly, and it also prevents rains dropping to the road directly and form the water flows in stormy rains.
1. Osteriod 纪元物种大灭绝有三种假说: 1 由气候变冷冰川形成导致的海平面降低, 2 由陨石撞击导致尘埃遮蔽太阳光; 3 由于太阳辐射加剧
教授认为三种假说都有weakness 1 ice sheet formation is slow and gradual but extinction happens at early age of process when sea level has not yet dropped; 2 no evidence support; 3 based on the assumption that t**** lives on the surface of ocean, which is not proved
if you have chance to change one of below to improve health, which would you choose. 1. food eaten, 2. amount of excercises, 3. amount of stress in life