1.Describe a good period of time in your life. Explain why you like that period of time. Give specific reasons to support your answer.
2.Some people prefer to listen to live music, while others prefer to listen to live music, while others prefer to listen to recorded music. Which do you prefer and why? Include reasons and examples to support your response.
3.托福机经阅读是说图书馆出了个新的规定,art book不外借了。从beginning of next year开始施行。原因是art book还回来都是poor condition,然后replace费用很高。但是学校给提供work table 供学生看书
对话女的说这新规定很不方便,男的说这规定挺好的,因为学生常常把书弄脏,女的说那在图书馆看一样脏啊,男的补充道一般都是drink food把书弄脏而图书馆不让带食物进去因此就不会弄脏书。而且他自己觉得art book很heavy,big, 不方便带回家~再图书馆看art book 很方便
4.好像是testing market
就是before putting the product on market the company present the product to some consumers and ask their opinnion 然后if they do not like it 就change and improve it
lecture:professor 说我举个例子吧 a children film company make their first anime 就是动画片 然后find some chilren来看 然后问了一堆问题 教授说比如问有的小孩喜欢那个角色~小孩说喜欢那个fantastic dog 然后公司就把dog变成一个big role 后来更多的小孩看了就说那个dog怎么怎么样的很喜欢
5. 女生把车钥匙lock车里了 跟老师机经基本完全一样
6. aboveground root
先是说了一通植物的根怎么吸水怎么吸养分怎么支撑植物的没用的话 然后说但是有的植物因为跟不够用就长出了aboveground root 举了两个例子一个是maize 说它tall and thin 一般root 不管用 长出aboveground root 为了support 它
一个是manglove tree好像这么拼吧 题目会给出拼写 说它长在wet area 不能吸收足够的oxygen 这种根可以帮它吸收oxygen