half uncontious sleeping for whale and dolphin. Half of the brain will sleep for 2 hours, only 1 eye open, the contious half brain will pay attention to the environment/danger and make sure the whale come to the surface to breath. An article stating that the mother whale will not sleep for a whole month because of the infant; not necessarily true, the infant need to breath every 30 sec? and the infant has not fat yet therefore it needs to swim all the time to keep up body temprature.
某女生找老师谈话,她想改project研究方向。夏天去某native american reservation做intern,因此对其文化感兴趣,打算学他们的语言。老师问说不是project已经做了NE教育的课题,该女执意改方向;老师认为不该做大改动,建议做该 native american education的课题,老师要check是否她的必修课有修完,女生要将该native american的 culture和language做selectives.
女生去studio art 见某主管,了解某种古典作画方式;她个人喜爱的现代画家JJ也是用这种画法,她打算在project的最前面几分钟illustrate这个画法,询问主管可否指导;主管有一个好朋友正好来校,客座讲一堂关于该画法的可,欢迎该女生来听。
男生去图书馆 想了解莎翁作品当中有多少是基于事实,多少是改动;找不到相应的资料,有某个资料v1v2可用,但本学校没有,因为需要特殊温控。其他学校有,但call 过来赶不上他3天后就要交project;图书馆人员建议他参与一个pilot project,该project可以免费在网上看该男生所需要的书,但是有一个很长的questionnaire要填,有学生抱怨该问卷太麻烦;男生还是决定参加pilot project.
primary color 红蓝黄;但他们并不是完美的主色调,例如黄蓝混在一起不是很纯粹的绿,还要加其他颜色。牛顿同学提出关于颜色的光谱学说。A 从心理学?的角度切入,试图找出 relationship between color and emotion,未遂,但找出色与色之间的关系。B也是想找颜色和情绪之间关系,找到,并提出primary color的理论并写信给A。A这个不要脸的家伙用了B的理论出版了一本关于颜色的书;虽然在书最后附上B的信,但是坚称 they happened to find the primary color at the same time, the letter from B does not influence A.