

托福听力 学科词汇(5)

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2013-08-07 15:33


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  141.prerequisite ['pri:'rekwizit] n. 先决条件

  Ex: Passing a written exam is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course.

  142.quarter ['kwɔ:tə] 四分之一学年

  Ex: A quarter is one of four periods into which the school year is divided

  143.counselor ['kaunsələ] n. 顾问

  144.department chair

  Ex: He was elected department chair of the physics department.

  145.dean [di:n] n. 系主任,学院院长

  Ex: She is the new dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

  the Dean of Medicine

  146.faculty ['fækəlti] n.全体教员;(大学的)系,科,院

  Ex:the Arts/Law Faculty

  the Faculty of Science

  147.drop out 退学

  Ex: He dropped out of college when he was 20.

  148.make-up test 补考

  Ex: I have to take a make-up test because I got the flu on the test day

  149.expel [iks'pel] v 开除

  Ex: Two girls were expelled from school for taking drugs.

  150.student union   学生会

  Ex: In colleges and universities, the student union   is often accorded its own building on the campus, dedicated to social and organizational activities of the student body.

  151.degree [di'gri:] n. 学位

  Ex: She's got a bachelor's/master's degree in history from Yale.

  152.freshman ['freʃmən] n. 大学一年级学生

  Ex: He's a freshman at Harvard.

  153.sophomore ['sɔfəmɔ:] n. 大学二年级学生

  Ex: A sophomore is a student studying in the second year of a course at a US college

  154.junior ['dʒu:njə] n. 大学三年级学生

  Ex: a junior at NYU

  155.senior ['si:njə] n. 大学四年级学生

  Ex: Jen will be a senior this year.

  156.dormitory ['dɔ:mitri] n. 集体宿舍

  Ex: He soon gets accustom to dormitory life and make two or three friend

  157.roommate ['ru:mmeit] n. 室友

  Ex: Jean was my roommate during our first year at university.

  158.off campus 在校园外的

  Ex: The Off Campus Housing office provides information to members of the Johns Hopkins community looking for a place to live near the university.

  159. title ['taitl] n. 标题,头衔,称号

  Ex: I've read one of her books, but I can't remember the title.

  160. skim [skim] vt. 略读

  Ex: It took me an hour to skim the book

  161. graph [grɑ:f] n. 图表,示意图

  Ex: This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.

  162. chart [tʃɑ:t] n. 图表

  Ex: He illustrated his theory by using charts and graphs.

  163. draft [dræft] n. 草稿

  Ex: She asked me to check the (first) draft of her proposal.

  164. register ['redʒistə] v. 记录,登记,注册

  Did you registers already for classes next semester?

  165. seminar ['seminɑ:] n. 研究会,讨论发表会

  Ex: Professor White's seminar was cancelled.

  166. master’s degree n. 硕士学位

  Ex: Master’s degree is an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's

  167. bulletin board ['bulitin] 告示牌

  Ex: The classroom assignment sheet is posted on the bulletin board.

  168. cancel ['kænsəl] v. 取消

  Ex: The class has been cancelled because not enough students signed up for it.

  169. administration office/building 行政办公室/楼

  Ex: He was looking for the administration building to drop off his graduation form.

  170. overwhelmed [.əuvə'welm] v. 由于工作、功课量大而忙不过来

  Ex: I am a little overwhelmed by the size of this university.

  171.swamped [swɔmp] v. 由于工作、功课量大而忙不过来

  Ex: I'm swamped with work at the moment.

  172. feedback ['fi:dbæk] n. 反馈,成果

  Ex: Every Friday, Mr. James would hand out the students' essays and give them some feedback.

  173. audition [ɔ:'diʃən] n. 试听;试演

  Ex: His audition went well and he's fairly hopeful about getting the part.

  174. career fair 招聘会

  Ex: He went to the career services office to confirm the date and time of the career fair.

  175. linguistics [liŋ'gwistiks] n. 语言学

  Ex: Linguistics is the systematic study of the structure and development of language in general or of particular languages

  176. accounting [ə'kauntiŋ] n. 会计;会计学

  Ex: In order to deal with the problems of budgeting for this it is necessary to know something of company financial and cost accounting.

  177. pointer ['pɔintə] n. 暗示,线索,点子

  Ex: I want some pointers where to go for information on this subject.

  178. textbook ['tekstbuk] n. 课本,教科书

  Ex: I can't get hold of any of the college textbooks he recommended.

  Most economics textbooks skip over the subject of investing and financial markets.

  179. apply for 申请

  Ex: We've applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.

  180. résumé [ˈrɛzəˌmeɪ] n. 简历,履历

  Ex: She sent her résumé to fifty companies, but didn't even get an interview.

  181. stop by 偶然过访,靠近,访问 (=come by)

  Ex: Can you stop by for a moment on your way home from your firm

  182. submit [səb'mit] v. 呈送,递交 (=hand in/turn in)

  Ex: Please submit your application form before the deadline.

  183. outline ['əutlain] n. 大纲

  Ex: In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing.

  184. blank out 忘记

  Ex: I blanked out during the exam.

  185. shelf [ʃelf] n. 书架

  Ex: I couldn’t find the book I wanted on the shelf.

  186. clarify ['klærifai] vt. 澄清,阐明,使 ... 明晰

  Ex: The teacher's explanation clarify the puzzling problem

  187.synthesis ['sinθisis] n. 综合

  Ex: The teacher asked me to write a synthesis of what I had observed and read.

  188. revise [ri'vaiz] v. 校订,修正,校正

  Ex: My professor asked to revise the first draft of the thesis.

  189. poster ['pəustə] n. 海报

  Ex: He put up a poster advertising the career fair.

  190. flyer ['flaiə] n. 传单

  Ex: Flyers are inexpensive to produce and are regarded as a very effective form of direct marketing

  191. come up 出现,发生

  Ex: Should he be watching TV now with the exams coming up next week

  192. pick up 取 拿 领

  Ex: When you're in town could you pick up the books I ordered?

  Have you picked up your ID card from the office yet?

  193. break 短暂的休息时间 课间休息

  Ex. Would you like to take a break and get a soda?

  194 give away vi. 赠送,送出

  Ex. I gave away all my out-of-date science texts when I moved?

  195. cover v. 覆盖,涉及,包含

  Ex. We are rapidly nearing the end of this course in the history of classical music. We have covered several centuries in a very short time

  196. accept v 录取

  Ex: Because Susan was accepted by the state university, her brother Ben applied there too.

  197. overhead projector 投影仪

  Ex:I can run this overhead projector There’s really nothing to do it.

  198.out of print (书等)已绝版的,已售完的

  Ex:Her first novel is out of print now but you may find a second-hand copy.

  199. note [nəut] n. 笔记

  Ex: Mind if I borrow your economics notes for a while?

  200. language lab 语音室

  Ex:Shall I lock the language lab now before I go home

  201. appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n. 预约

  Ex: I have an appointment to see Doctor Gram for a physical examination.


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