16)The ability to read and write is more important now than in the past.2009.12.20ML
17)It is better to spend money on traveling than save the money.2010.6.13ML
18)People should not have to pay for the public transportation.2010.9.12ML
19)People will spend less time on cooking food.2010.11.28
20)Being creative,rathar than carefully planning,is more often results in the best solution.2010.12.12ML
21)When people are going to celebrate a special event such as graduation or a special party, some of them prefer a large party, while some others prefer a small party with only a few close friends and family members.2011.1.22ML
22)In the past, it was easier for people to identify what types of career or job would lead to a secure, successful future.2011.5.14ML
23)Is it easier to be a success in the past than it is today.2011.5.29ML
24)Governments and corporations should share all of their scientific discoveries with the rest of the world.2012.2.3NA/2012.10.28ML
25)People should follow the ambitious dream or people should focus to achieve the realistic goals?2012.2.5ML
26)Talented people’s leadership is inborn and can't be learned by people.2012.2.11ML
27)Employees who always follow their supervisor’s instructions are more valuable to their companies than employees who try to find new or better ways?2012.3.4ML
28)It is important for government to protect wild animals and wilderness areas for future generations.2012.4.14NA
29)Our society today is so busy and crowed that people do not need to be polite to each other?2012.5.25NA