task 1 : your friend is going to work in an office before going to the university? disagree/agree
task2,20101029NA is it more enjoyable to participate in an activity or watch others play?
task3 letters: no sports on dining hall lawn 1, 女生认为 dining hall lawn is in the central place; everyone is busy and want to walk through the lawn; 所以即使在草坪上不踢球,不运动也不会make lawn look nicer; 2, 女生认为everyone wants to play sports during the 15 minutes between classes or play sports after lunch but before afternoon’s class; if people need to walk a long way to other places, It takes a lot of time;
task4 貌似和20090403 NA不太一样啊,阅读好像是有点像, 记得是natural passage way: a solution to connect the lands to compensate the damage caused by human activity; 听力: 给了一个one place in Canada, people built up a highway and divided the forest into two parts; thus, bears have less food. The food seems to decease half. Scientists propose to build a bridge connecting the two small forests and put the soil, trees on the bridge. Then the bridge looks like a natural passage way, and bears can come across to another part and find food to survive.
task5: finish a paper tonight but he is invited to a concert; he plans to finish the paper tonight but he forget the invitation
First solution is to finish the paper after the concert, but he almost has to stay all night. The professor will not accept paper after deadline.
Second solution is to tell his friend he will not go to the concert, but his friend will be disappointed and even angry. His friend has paid his ticket and almost all fees for the concert.
task 6: 类似20090403NA
Professor talks about two ways to fill in the memory gap
First is to use assumption or guesses to fill in the gap: e.g. people witness a car accident will say that they see the drive talking on the cellphone or not turning on the signal light, but these details are not accurate
Second is to use the suggested information to fill in the gap. When people are asked how fast the car is. They almost say it is speedy and faster than the real speed.
综合:oppose against the law that prohibits importing. Buying, selling the non-native species in U.S
1, people fear that their pets will be taken away by authorities
听力: 法律禁止买卖,但不会拿走人们现在的宠物。 现在的宠物是国内的,不在禁止范围。 E.g. one person has tropical fish; the fish will not be taken away, but the owner cannot buy the non-native tropical fish in the future
2. It is expensive to implement the law because government has to spend a lot on the study of nonnative animals
听力: 非本土物种造成的破坏更加大,是不可估计的损失;比如Florida 的一种蛇Burmese Python (Google 来的,有幻灯片显示拼写)
3. 非本土物种可能不会造成威胁, 比如Belgian rabbits are nonnative ,but it will not establish in the northeast of U.S because the weather is really cold
听力: 本土物种会造成威胁,破坏当地物种。Belgian rabbits carry Myxoma virus (Google 来的,有幻灯片显示拼写) They kill a lot of native animals and kill almost 99% of native rabbits.