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2018-05-07 14:13


【 liuxue86.com - 托福机经 】


  Narrator:Listen to a conversation between a student and her biology professor.

  Professor:Hi, Suzanne. You’ve been keeping busy?

  Suzanne:Really busy. It’s that time of the semester. I’m glad I turned in the first draft as my paper for your class ks for getting to it so quickly and for seeing me today.

  Professor:Sure. Yes, it looks like it will be a good paper. Great topic but I think it could use a little more work because it’s just that I found it a bit unclear in places so I want to make sure

  I understand what you intended to do before I make suggestions for admissions.


  Professor:So can you summarize, tell me in a few sentences the main ideas you want to get across?

  Suzanne:Okay. Well, honeybees can communicate the location of food to other honeybees and the idea was to describe how they use Earth’s magnetic field in that process.

  Professor:To help them communicate?

  Suzanne:No, to help them find their way, to navigate.

  Professor:Okay. See, I wasn’t sure you separated those two that honeybees could communicate with other honeybees and two, that they might be using the magnetic field but only for navigation.


  Professor:Are you sure you understand that?

  Suzanne:I think so. After they find food and return to the hive, they move in different ways to communicate different things. Like they do a simple dance, the round dance, to communicate that a food source is nearby. But they do a more complex dance, the waggle dance, if the food is

  farther than, like seventy-five meters away. Both dances convey information about the distance from the hive to the food source and the waggle dance conveys the direction of the food from the hive.

  Professor:Okay, good. And where is the magnetic field for that?

  Suzanne:Well, they have cells in their body that contains iron. So we assume that they’re able to sense Earth’s magnetic field, which might help them navigate. It’s likely that they have an internal compass,like if they get blown off course by the wind, they can get back on course.

  Professor:Okay, good. The thing is in your draft, it rather showed that the magnetic field was irrelevant to the bee dance that the magnetic field was irrelevant to the bee dance through communication. I looked over your list of sources and I thought I could see why.

  Suzanne:There’s a problem with my sources?Professor:Well, the article you sited on magnetic navigation isn’t very academic. It’s more of a general interest article. I thought that maybe you relied too much on its wording so I was going to suggest you go back and find the original

  research report which presents the information in a more precise and clear way. But maybe you just need to revise your own wording in your paper. I think when you look at it again you will know what I’m talking about. If you have any questions, come by again.


  1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D

  1. Why does the student go to see the professor?

  A. To find out why the mining industry in the western United States declined in the


  B. To find out how to improve the first draft of a paper she is writing

  C. To ask the professor to recommend sources of information for a research paper

  D. To get advice about a possible topic for a research paper

  2. What aspect of the history of Park City, Utah, interests the student?

  A. The reasons Park City went through periods of economic hardship and success

  B. The reasons Park City became a destination popular among skiers

  C. How Park City became the main source of silver in the United States

  D. Why Park City recovered from a national recession more quickly than other

  towns did

  3. What does the professor say were two important factors in the decline in silver

  mining in Park City, Utah?

  Click on 2 answers.

  A. The increasing cost of extracting silver

  B. A decline in the price being paid for silver

  C. The higher wages being paid to miners in other places

  D. A national downturn in economic activity

  4. Why does the professor mention the town of Bodie, California?

  A. To emphasize the economic problems in the mining industry during the early


  B. To illustrate the wide appeal of skiing in the United States in the early 1900s

  C. To give an example of a former mining town that survived without becoming a

  ski resort

  D. To give an example of a town that remained a mining town well into the 1900s

  5. What do the student and professor agree that the student should do as part of her


  Click on 3 answers.

  A. Try to find firsthand accounts of life in mining towns

  B. Investigate in detail the events in a few specific towns

  C. Consider the role of flooding in the decline of Bodie, California

  D. Determine why most failed mining towns did not recover economically

  E. Look at the history of mining towns in the context of the history of the United

  States as a whole

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