Task 1
If your friend has a chance to study abroad for 1 year, but when he/she comes back, he/she will have to study for an extra year in school to get a degree. What would you recommend him/her to do?
Task 2
With the new technologies, we now have electric books and internet. Someone thinks that someday the library will totally disappear. What is your opinion?
Task 3
标题: New family day event for 1st year students
原因1:invite family members to introduce school programs
原因2:have them listen to the faculties’ presentation.
原因1:Parents asked many questions the students couldn’t answer, like the classes they are going to take and extra programs (study abroad).
原因2: It will help parents to less worry about them, if they know some nonacademic stuff like food and living condition.
Task 4
标题:sensation transference
定义:when people buy products, the external packaging will affect their feeling of products inside.
例子:A food company selling tin can food conducted an experiment. They provide 1. The same tin can food they are selling 2. Still the same food but in glass jars. Customers would think the one in jars is more delicious and homemade, probably because we preserve food this way at home.
Task 5
问题:The girl has a problem at housing issue. She would like to have a single room in dorm, but that’s quite expensive. And her friends already have determined their roommates.
解决方案1:book a double room and the school will match a roommate
优点1:she can afford it.
缺点1:Maybe she won’t get along with her roommate
解决方案2:find a part-time job
优点2:she will have the money for a single room.
缺点2:the job is in the dinning hall and kind of boring.
Task 6
话题: Leaves couldn’t provide all nutrients that animals need. So it is important how & what they eat.
例子1: chimpanzees eat leaves in the afternoon, when they are sweeter and contains more sugars.
要点2:leaves lack of protein
例子2:sloth will eat algae that grows on their fur to get protein.