1. Some parents think they should protect students from making mistakes. Some think they should let them make mistakes. What do you think?
2. Which teacher’s courses would you like to take? Explain why? Use specificreasons and examples to explain your choice.
a) a teacher who is humorous in class
b) a teacher who is serious in class
3. Do you think children should watch TV or listen to the news on radio or not at an early age?
4. Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while traveling. Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which do you prefer and why?
5. Some people like to purchase a product they like as soon as the product is available in the market. Some, however, prefer to wait until the price of the product becomes more accessible. Which way do you prefer?
6. Some people want their children to go to school, but some people prefer to let their children be home schooled. Which do you prefer? Why?
7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Business conferences should meet in person instead of using video calls.
8. Some people decide which career they want to pursue before going to college. Others do it the other way around. Which approach do you think is better?
9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Self-made gifts are better than store-bought gifts?
10. Do you prefer to ask for advice from someone older than you or from someone at your own age?
11. Should people be allowed to take photos when visiting a museum?
12. Some people believe that the library should be a place for students to have meetings and discussions; while others believe that the library is supposed to be a quiet place where students can focus on their study. Which one do you prefer and why?
13. Do you prefer living in an old building or a new and modern building?
14. Some people go shopping only when they have something specific to purchase. Other people go shopping just for pleasure. Which do you prefer?
15. Which do you prefer: working for others’ company or set up your own business?
16. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should take some additional courses so that they can get their credits more quickly.
两点:相关性;跳跃性。 相关性就是作出来的笔记单词与单词之间的关系明晰度的底线是自己在说的时候可以轻松辨识;跳跃性是指所记下的单个单词串在一起可以最大限度的覆盖音频文件中播放的内容。只有把握了这两“性”,才能既又速度又有准度。在这里我给考试的建议是:要做到相关性一定要善用标点符号;而加强跳跃性则要求考生尽量在笔记中记下名词, 形容词甚至动词这样的关键实词。
当然上述方法只有在平时的训练中经常使用,才有可能到了考场上做到灵活自如。 尤其是从微观上如何抓住相关性和跳跃性这两个辩证统一的做笔记技巧。只有经过这样长时间的训练,形成一套自己的缩写形式和笔记习惯,到时才能游刃有余。