Diagnose, patient’s illness, painful, technological advance, blood and tissue sample, diagnostictechniques, detect diseases, variations in temperature, X rays, side effect, uncomfortable, endurepain, health care
Medical clinic and infirmary, nursing staff, get sick, a really bad cold, develop terrible coughs,pneumonia, stay in the infirmary, don’t feel well, rest more and skip a few classes, get medicalexcuse, the clinic hour, emergency number
Modern medical facility, health needs, dental clinic, maternity ward, operating room, special sugery,surgeons
Student Health Services, blood pressure, university nutritionists, processed foods, universityhospital
Pain, discharge, slight earache, take it easy
Prevention, symptoms, cough, fever, funny nose, head and bones ache, chill, flu, influenza,overtired, stressed out, exposure to virus, sneeze, airborne virus, body’s resistance, ward off theflu, rest, eat well, drink a lot of water, immune system, fight off illness, immunized, vaccine,university health center