口语第一题将你是怎么KEEP HEALTH的
Well, personally speaking, i keep healthy through playing basketball.(同学们,我上课大谈特谈的打篮球板块)First because when I am playing basketball, I jump, shooot and I even block other players' movement. so physically speaking, that is a boost to my health. for example, all that action will enhance my heart and make it function better.and you know, trying to achieve that, i play basketball for at least 3 hours every day. second, since I am so big on playing basketball, I really get a kick out of it. and I am so happy playing basketball either by mysefl or with other team member. and i am really in a good mood which will improve my health situation physically.
personally speaking, i prefer to celebrate my birthday in a quiet way instead of (第二题必然用上这个词组,很地道)throwing a party or something. first because i think i am kind of quiet. i like to do everything in a quiet way instead of being surrounded by a lot of people. for example, i hate to have meals with a lot of others since i hate noise and don't feel like talkin' when i am dining. so celebrating my birthday is no exception. second, usually i have something to tell my friends in a birthday party like my experience in this past or how I feel about one year older. so you can imagine how bad it is for me to do this if there are 10 people around me. there is absolutely no way for me to concentrate on my conversation. so i would rather have like less than 3 people for my birthday celebration. and that's way i prefer to celebrate my birthday in a quiet way.
第三题是讲学校改变了一个学期一次的art什么东西变成一学期两次,还加上要paper.男生反对 (the man is against this for the following reasons),有两点不喜欢被强迫(don't feel like being pressed to do something),没有时洹?/P>
第四题讲动物的specilization的长短处(advantages and disadvantages)
总的来说口语不难 写作第一篇文章给了三个teory,听力里举了三个例子反对,第一个是拿哺乳动物举例,第二个好像是cats,第三个是rats。说实话每怎么看懂。