1、Describe a day you enjoy most or most special for you
2、Someone perfer to have classes on the day and do parttime job in the evening while others perfer have classes in the evening and do a parttime job on the day. Which would you perfer?
男同学的意见:1、增加人数减少了communication with faculty,降低了小课堂的参与程度
2、既然有更多的学生,就可以获得更多的钱,就可以请更多的faculty解决了人力不足的问题。简言之就是 more students, more money, more faculty
4、阅读:动物有固定的patterns of behavior
听力:1、一种小鱼:male fish会do attack dance to the finish entering its territory 而且是有red mark的,如果没有red mark就不会
2、goose:female鹅生过蛋后会move its head back and forth,但是当它的egg被moved away 以后,它仍然这样
问题是:讲一讲什么是动物的这种惯性行为(文中用了缩写,好象是AFS 还是FAS记不清了),然后讲讲lecture中间的例子如何证明的。
5、woman收到一个去marine research的offer,但是给的钱不够她去交下学期的tuition. man说:1、explain to them and ask for more money(women怕他们收回offer);2、take a part-time job(woman说怕时间不够太累) 问题是:这个女生的Dilemma是什么,你认为应该怎么做,为什么?
然后讲了How to do it and why it is important to 记住商品名字(问题就是让你总结这个)
How:repeat the name over and over again, show the name on the screen of the TV
example:一个洗衣机叫“quick washing”
Why:(2点)1. people are likely to buy sth. they know the name of