Task 1
What personal quality do you admire most? creativity,courage or intelligence? Explain why? Please include details and examples in your response.
Task 2
Some people prefer to listen to music while they are studying or working. Others prefer to stay in a quiet place while they are studying or working. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response.
Task 3
【倡议书】:university fair club。男生赞同。原因是1、可以容易获取club information,不会错过自己行参加的club。现在的club太disorganized. 原因2、 男生比较喜欢得到信息directly from club member.
Task 4
Task 5
【学生困难】:女生说她这学期选了2课,但是一周三天有这2个课。时间相隔太短,没有时间吃饭,之间只有半小时。常常是排个大长队付完钱,没时间吃,差不多就到了上课的点儿。(because she has two classes and those two classes are too close. She does not have enough time to take break and having lunch.)The woman needs to change her schedule about her class。
【解决方案】:她说了有两点:对于第一点,女生说可以自己带饭,但是她need organize,她要去超市买……。对于第二点。她说可以换成晚上上课的section,但是要是晚上上的话就too tired。
Task 6
心理课,一个女教授,讨论了2 action。(具体这俩action叫啥名我忘了,是在记不得。因为当时直接照着笔记念的。抱歉。)讲人的记忆力。举了俩例子。一个是开车去什么地方,刚离开家不久,就想起来忘了什么事情。 第二个例子是我们煮咖啡,然后放了水,放了咖啡,这时候电话响了,我们接电话,但是接完电话,想准备和咖啡了。结果发现,我们根本没开咖啡机的按钮。