口二:挑大学是不是大学的学术名气最重要?独立协作 名人,如演员,运动员是不是应该多点privacy?
口四:农民把动物和植物放一起养。他build一个小房,四面有墙,没地板,小鸡住里面。当他种一块地,就把房子移到地那边。两好处:小鸡可以有东西吃,吃地里的杂草,让土地变好,如种bean,对地好。没有杂草和bean一起compete for sunlight,water
口五:一个男孩要到另外一个城市internship,他已经在那找到了好房子,但是没有家具,solution1,在当地买二手家具,可能买不全便宜的,solution2 把现在有的家具运过去,但是很麻烦,要装车,internship完了还要运回来,你觉得哪个好?
口六,古迹可以保存很长时间,原因之一是缺水,缺水细菌不易生长,埃及的沙漠,有一幅2000多年前的painting,颜色仍然很鲜艳,想刚画的,就是因为那地方缺水。原因二是因为缺氧气,没有氧气,无法生长ocean里面有个沉船,里面有个花瓶,in good condition就是因为在海底,缺氧!!
(2)、大学的reputation是不是most important reason you choose to go to college
(3)、通知:学校应该开设audit class
内容是一个人倡议学校开设audit class。这样学生可以l一learn more 二more experience 三不要麻烦教授 给教授减轻负担
1旁听学生会问太基础的问题 影响别的学生学习
2给教授增加工作量 并不能不烦到教授
(4)、名词是:intergrated farming
农民把kepping animals 和raise crops一起。一是因为这样可以cooperate 还有一个是什么(忘了)。在 listening里面,教授举了一个例子,一个small house,no floors。当他种一块地,就把房子移到地那边。就有weeds掉下来。两个好处:一是小鸡可以有东西吃,吃地里的杂草,让soil变好,二是 sunlight+water
(5)、一个男孩要到另外一个城市internship过一个月,他已经在那找到了好房子,但是啥家具都没有。这男的自己隔了一个 solution,是在当地买便宜的二手家具,可是担心不能都买到便宜的。女的给了第二个solution: 把apartment of campus的家具运过去,但是还要找track而且一个月后又要运回来。
5.intergrated farming: combination of keeping animal and raising crops.
the professor 讲了一个有关于 chicken and beans 的例子。 the chicken is put in a special house where there is no floor and wheels are attached. so, the house can be moved to the field where the beans are planted.Since there is no floor, the chicken will peck the soil and eat the weeds, so that it will benefits the growth of the beans because the soil will be more nutritious and there will be no weeds.
6.the professor talks about two kinds of environment where the bacteria will be prevented and artifacts are preserved. First, aridity. EG: in the desert of Egypt, the wall paintings are preserved and the color of the painting are remained on the wall.
Second, lack of oxygen. if preserved in the deep ocean, not likely to decay. EG:a ship sank in the Mediterranean sea. the vases on the ship are well preserved.