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  Task 1

  1.Describe something that once annoyed you. Explain why it annoyed you and your reaction toward it.

  Well, talking about something that once annoyed me. I remember, it was last year that our university was renovating the trail on campus. Frankly, it was a nice thing to do since there used to be lots of mud when it rained and it was pretty messy. However, the noise produced by the construction was really annoying and lots of students including me found it hard to concentrate on our study since the trail was right behind the library. I decided to sign a petition, so I called up lots of classmates and friends, most of whom agreed with me. Afterward, we showed the petition to the university life committee, eventually, they discontinued the construction during school hours.

  2. Describe a decision you made. How you made that decision?

  I am going to share with you my decision making process on whether to go to study in the US or not. I dwelled upon both the advantages and disadvantages to study for graduate program in the USA. for the advantages I will broaden my horizon, meet amazing people and learn very advanced professional knowledge. the disadvantage will be the cultural shock once I set foot on the land of America. But I will get over that for sure. After careful consideration of both advantages and disadvantages, I think the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. so I decide to study in the us.

  3. Imagine the situation where you can't use computer or have no access to internet for a month. How will your life be different? Use details and examples to explain.

  Well, personally, I would say it will not be difficult for me to do that. Cuz, honestly, I am not a fun of watching TV, since most of the time, I am pretty busy with my school assignment, like presentations, group projects and research papers, and stuff. Additionally, I am not someone who spends lots of time surfing the internet, and chatting with friends on social networks, on the contrary, I am an outdoor person. For example, I like climbing mountains, jogging in the park and doing all kinds of sports outdoors. Therefore, my life will be pretty much the same without internet.

  4. Please choose one of the following transportations that you consider to be most enjoyable.

  Bicycle, automobile, train

  Personally, I would prefer to choose to take the train. To begin with, generally, trains are powered by electricity and they are less likely to produce any pollution. However, too much private vehicles discharge lots of pollutants into the air and it is pretty expensive to own a private vehicle since one needs to spend lots of money on the insurance, registration of the license and the maintenance. Taking the train can be really appeasing, you can enjoy the beautiful view outside of the window. All you have to do is just to sit back and relax while appreciating the beautiful scenery.

  5. Your school is going to help the community. Which of the following would you prefer? 1) clean litters and trash 2)plant trees and flowers 3)teach children knowledge about the environment.

  Personally, I would like to teach children knowledge about environment. To begin with, it helps to cultivate kids' environment awareness at an early age, so when they grow up, they will definitely do something to protect the environment, and preserve natural resource, like they will turn off the faucet after using the water and not waste any water, categorize the trash, not litter around. Plus, it is the younger generations' responsibility to protect the environment, and make the world a better place for people to live in. Additionally, kids are very interesting to be around, and it is great fun to interact with them, since they are very naive and adorable, therefore one can forget about their pressure in life and study.

  6. Describe one way to solve air pollution.

  Personally, to solve air pollution problem we need to analyze the cause of such a problem, actually, vehicle emission and poisonous gas discharged by factories are major factors causing the air pollution. I would say one possible solution is that the government should put forward some policies to punish factories who discharge lots of waste into the air, for example, they can impose a heavy tax on these factories. Plus, they can subsidize the environment conscious companies that use renewable energies like natural gas, wind power and nuclear power.

  a. Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and what is the most common gifts.  Well, people give gifts to one another on lots of occasions, like getting married, having a new baby, or even on a graduation day. But I would like to talk about Chinese lunar new year, generally, seniors in the family, like grandparents, aunts and uncles give red envelopes to the younger generation. It is basically some pocket money, and it has great significance. It symbolizes that the kids are loved and cared by the senior, and they will be blessed for the rest of the year.

  7. Science club, hiking club, which one are you interested in?

  Personally, I would like to choose to join the science lab. To begin with, I bet there will be field trip to research centers and science labs. By going to the lab, I got a chance to use the lab equipment and apply theory in practice. It is very helpful for me to understand some theories since most of the time the things we learn in classrooms are very theoretical, and hard to understand. Also, by doing activities in the lab, I can be more creative and imaginative. Possibly, We can come up with lots of idea with regard of the theories, and make contribution to the technological advancement, and then it might be applied in the real world, thus benefits the entire human race.

  8. Which of the following professions should be paid a higher salary:

  nurse, police officer or teacher. Choose one and explain why.

  I would say police is the most important job to a city, though they do not really get paid that much, what they do is very essential to the community and they should be paid a higher salary for what they do. They prevent lawbreaking behaviors, like robbery, burglary, and even speeding, they hunt down criminals and preserve the safety of the community. Plus, you can call police officers for help, like when you neighbor is very noisy and you feel like you are disturbed, they also help to address common complaints like that. That is basically why I think police officer should be paid more among these three professions.

  9. A friend of yours always gets up late in the morning and misses his morning classes. The professor has told him that this behavior will affect his grade. What advice would you give him and why?

  Personally, I would suggest him sleep early, actually he should go to bed before 10 o'clock, and then he can take a good rest, hence the next day he can go to the class refreshed. Additionally, I would say he should talk to the professor and ask him or her if it is possible for him to make up the absence in another way, like doing an extra credit assignment and I bet if he is sincere enough, the professor will understand his tough situation and might say yes to him, so eventually he can keep a higher GPA.

  10. Your friend has a lot of work to do. Suggest a hobby to him to help him spend his weekend more delightful.

  Personally, there are lots of hobbies he can develop so that he can release the nerve strains he has about his work and I think playing basketball can be the most helpful. To begin with, it is pretty intense to play basketball, and he needs to run around on the court, therefore he burns lots of fat within his body and that helps him stay healthy and keep fit, and it benefits his cardiovascular system. Additionally, Playing basketball can help him make lots of friends, and it is also a great way to connect with old friend, since it requires the spirit of teammate work.

  11. Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person.

  Well, I would like to spend time with my friend Iddie, I met him when I was on an exchange program to study in America. I would not say he is a smart or intelligent person, but the fortitude and willpower he has to achieve something he really aspires are so inspiring. He grew up in Ghana, a underdeveloped country in Africa. Though he had lots of setbacks in his life, he never complained about anything, and he just hunkered down and made an effort to make his life better. His passion and attitude for life are so contagious that I always look up to him.

  12. What personal quality do you admire the most? Creativity, courage or intelligence?

  Personally, I would say my most admirable quality is creativity. As the most famous physicist Einstein once said, imagination is more important than knowledge. Indeed, creativity and imagination can make lots of things happen. For example, it is creativity that helped Steve Jobs to design the best and most convenient desktop, not courage and intelligence. Actually, lots of professions require a person to be creative, like artist, designers and even salesmen. For instance, A artist can use his or her creativity to draw vivid art work even though the stuff in their art work might not even exist.

  13. Talk about a memorable experience you had in a restaurant or cafe. Explain what happened and why it was memorable. Give specific details in your response.

  I would say my most memorable experience in a restaurant is my 18th birthday party, my best friend Alex helped me to organize the party. I can still recall that it was a Mexican restaurant called Siesta, the food there was really great, like the taco, tortilla chips with some chili sauce and guacamole, and it was so fresh. Additionally, the places was decorated like a tropic jungle with lots of exotic plantations, I felt like I was in a tropic forest when I was dinning there. Most importantly of all, I felt like I am so lucky to have lots of friends celebrating my birthday, and I am so grateful to them, actually, that occasion in this restaurant brought me and my friends closer.

  14. If you have a chance to learn something new, which of the following would you like to learn? Flying an airplane, playing a sport or playing an musical instrument.

  I would definitely choose to play a new sport. I find it very relaxing when I play sports, it helps me to release my tension and depression that I got from both my life and study. Apart from that, playing sports is a very good way to keep healthy and try to be in good shape. It helps you to build up some muscles and be athletic, it is also good for your cardio vascular system. Lastly, I get a chance to meet new friends and broaden my social network when playing a sport, getting to know different people is a very thrilling experience for me.

  15. Which one of the following factor do you think is most important when it comes to traveling. Low cost, good weather, or various activities?

  Well, Personally, I would say the most important factor is the activities that I can do during the trip. If I go to beautiful places, I will definitely appreciate the natural beauty, and it will be a shame for me to miss out the chance. If I am going to travel in a coastal city, I like water activities, surfing, water skiing, you can never say that you have been traveling in a coastal city without trying out these aquatic activities. Additionally, it will be a great shame for me not to do some camping if I plan to climb a beautiful mountain.

  16. Choose one of the following natural environment and explain why you would like to live there most: mountain, forest, desert, prairie, seashore or somewhere else?

  Personally, I prefer to live by the seashore. To begin with, the scenery of a coastal city can be breathtaking, for instance, I can appreciate the beauty of mother nature, the sunrise and sunset can be really spectacular, and at the same time, I get a chance to see the tropical plants, like coconut tree, banana tree and even palm trees. Additionally, I have the opportunity to taste the local seafood, like salmon, shrimp, and even lobster. Lastly, I could try out some water activities, like, surfing, scuba diving, and tubing, which is pretty thrilling.

  17. Which of the following forms of art would you choose to learn: sculpture, portrait, or landscape painting? Explain why. Please include reasons and details in your explanation.

  Personally, I prefer to learn to draw landscape. By choosing this kind of art form, I got a chance to travel to different places with various kinds of terrains, like desert, lake, coastal city, tropical rainforest, and even mountainous areas. Apart from that, besides learning how to draw these beautiful landscapes, I can learn local culture, customs, and even local dialects by interacting with the local people, so I can broaden my horizon and enrich my experience accordingly.

  18. Which of the following do you think is the most difficult and challenging for university students? Being far away from families, finding time to relax or making new friends.

  I think finding time to relax is the most difficult one for a college student. As known to all, the tuition keeps rising from year to year, in order to relieve the financial burden, lots of students took two even three part-time jobs off-campus like, bar-tender, dining server and delivery driver. Apart from that, the coursework is pretty tough. They have mid-terms, research paper, and presentation to work on during the whole semester. They are bombarded with both their part-time job and workload from school, so the most difficult thing is to find time to relax.

  19. What kind of characteristics or components should a good school have?

  Well, personally, I think prestigious universities should have better facilities, science students depend on lab equipments to test theories in books, just learning theories without experiment in the lab is too boring and unproductive, so facilities, like research centers are very important. On top of that, professors are the key resource of a university, cuz they are the ones who can motivate the students and develop their skills and make them more creative, thus giving the students a better chance to be successful in the future.

  20. If you can have a part-time job at the university what position would you choose? A lab assistant, a campus tour guide or a library assistant?

  Personally, I prefer to be a lab assistant. By being a lab assistant, I got a chance to use the lab equipment and apply theory in practice, thus the knowledge that I learn in classrooms can be tested by myself, and that can be very awesome. Apart from that, I can also interact with the scientist working in the lab and enlighten myself. Working together with them can be very meaningful, since I plan to get my Ph.D in physics and become a physicist in the future. The working experience as a lab assistant can be very valuable when I am applying for the graduate school, it will give me a better shot to get scholarship.

  21. Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free, which of the following class you will choose to take, give reason to explain your choice. 1) A financial course to help you manage money 2) car maintenance and repair 3)Review of Latin-American music.

  I would say I like to take a financial course, cuz, it is very important for someone to be financially independent and manage their money efficiently, by going to a financial course one can learn lots of stuff, like when it is the right time to invest in stocks, or to buy gold as a form of asset, or even understand the overall economic condition of the country. A friend told me that he recently signed up a on line lecture on how to make wise investment in stock market, and he followed the instructions, and it turned out that he made a very good call by buying the stock from a company, which was recommended in the class, and made a big killing in it.

  22. Imagine that you have to give up watching TV for one month, would this be difficult for you? Explain why.

  Well, personally, I would say it will not be difficult for me to do that. Cuz, honestly, I am not a fun of watching TV, since most of the time, I am pretty busy with my school assignment, like presentations, group projects and research papers, and stuff. Plus, even if I really need some information of current events, like sports, technology, and politics, I can always use my smart phone and with a touch on the screen, the whole world is basically in front of me.






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