口语1:Talk about a singer who are popular in your country. explain why they are popular and how they are different.
When it comes to popular singer, I have to mention Jay Zhou who is considered one of the best singers for all the time. Jay Zhou has been popular for two main reasons. First, he was among first several singers starting R&B style singing which made him unique and received a significant amount of fans. Dating back into that time, Jay was the only R&B singer. This style soon proved to be a crash that kept being No.1 on billboard China. Second, his personality makes him attractive. His attitude towards music and fans are actually evolving, despite many other musicians change behaviors and attitudes after they get fame and fortune. Jay stays cool as usual and shows the best of him to all his fans.
口语2:Do you perfer to have fast food in fast-food restaurant,or do you perfer to have food in another kinds of places?
I prefer to have food in fast food restaurant. Fast food restaurants provide many advantages such as consistent quality as well as time savings.
In terms of quality, the food provided by fast food restaurant has solid quality. When I walk into any random Mcdonalds anywhere in the earth, I do not have to worry if the cheeseburger I order will screw my stomach. There is no way that those fast food would satisfy the strict sense of taste however it will not disappoint you either.
The most important character is undoubtedly its time saving feature---it is just fast. Suppose you do not grab your lunch on the way to a meeting, you will not sit in a fancy Italian restaurant and wait for your order. You will surely rush into a fast food restaurant and take a burger stuff like that.
sltf-serving bias人呢通常喜欢把成功归功于自己,把失败怪罪于别人。听力里面讲有两组人,被告知参加了智力测验,一部分得知他们得到了好成绩,一部分得到了差成绩。其实根本就没有对他们的治理进行测试,但是得到好成绩的那组觉得他们能够得到高分是因为他们聪明,而另外一组觉得是因为有其他东西影响了他们...