长城:the Great Wall
故宫(紫禁城):Palace Museum ( the Forbidden City)
颐和园:the Summer Palace
香山:the Fragrant Hills
天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square
天坛:the Temple of Heaven
十三陵: the Ming Tombs
鸟巢:Bird's Nest
水立方:Water Cube
鼓楼:the Drum Tower
【 liuxue86.com - 托福词汇 】
长城:the Great Wall
故宫(紫禁城):Palace Museum ( the Forbidden City)
颐和园:the Summer Palace
香山:the Fragrant Hills
天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square
天坛:the Temple of Heaven
十三陵: the Ming Tombs
鸟巢:Bird's Nest
水立方:Water Cube
鼓楼:the Drum Tower
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