综合: 文章讲到一种叫lembeosaurs的恐龙,有一个crest(冠)在头上,这个crest 有三种用处,第一,帮助嗅觉,因为发现crest里头有很多blood vessels,这个构造跟当代一种嗅觉发达的动物很像。 第二, 通过extra area that can help them cool down rapidly.作者拿出另一个s 开头的恐龙,说明这个道理。 第三,这个crest 能make sounds for them to communicate, 因为科学家发现他们有很好的听觉,所以他们需要交流,故crest 有这个用处。 但是听力中,教授反驳, 1,虽然crest上有很多血管,但是这种恐龙的大脑太小了,不能process the information efficiently.所以跟大脑不配对,故不可能。 2. 跟另外一种龙相比,crest部分的皮肤is too small to make a difference in cooling them down. 3. fossils found that only 1 species of the lembeosaur had developed a sphisticated sound ability, others may not, 因此证据不够,综上所述,这个crest到底有啥用,还不清楚。
独立:do you agrre or disagree with the statement, although a lot of people know the environmental situation ( global warming etc) the present situation is unlikely to change in the future,