1. 如何帮助一个不敢再public面前讲话的朋友
2. 喜欢快餐还是其他食物 为什么
3. 学校说以后提供给学生的job list不仅包括on-camps job 还有off-campus job 女生觉得这样很好 因为on-camps job总是很快被抢光 而且对于freshman来说 不知道如何开始工作因为都不是很熟悉 再说on-camps job都跟学生专业无关 也不能让resume
4. place marketing 一个地方寻找自己与众不同的地方创造商机吸引顾客 professor举了一个beach的例子 这个beach发现自己有bicycle path 别的beach都没有 决定用这个发展商机 它做了一堆广告介绍自己的sports activities 比如沙滩排球 自行车比赛神码的 吸引年轻人 并取得了巨大成功
5. 男生遇到问题 借不到合适的西装参加朋友的婚礼 他brother的他穿太小 他自己说另外一个一个朋友zoey也可以借给他 但是这个也不一定合适 女生说你可以自己买啊 男生觉得一个好西装太贵 但是又说马上有一个面试 他觉得可以在面试里找工作赚钱买西装
6. 介绍了两种树抵御森林大火的方法 一种有thick tissue 保护里面重要的部分(vital part) 不被stay cool 另外一种drop off已经被烧到的部分 保持剩下的部分尽量不被烧到
1. Your friend wants to drive away the fear when speak in front of groups of people, what suggestion you would give her?
2. Do you prefer to have fast food in the fast-food restaurant?
3. State university is planning to post off-campus job opportunities on the university's newspaper:
1) let the student aware that there are lots of job opportunities available
2) help students to find a job that is relevant to their major
The woman agrees with the above plan:(use her own exp. and her friends exp. )
1) hard for them, esp first grade students to find a job on campus in that the # of jobs offered are limited & they will be occupied very quickly
2) Her friend who majoring in law, but only get a job in a book store, which does not contributes too much to her future occupation.
4. Reading passage: defi: place marketing which is accomplished by using the most unique feature of a place to attract lots of visitors.
Lecture: certain town wants to improve its economy, aimed at improving tourism first.
the town has a very beautiful beach with bicycle paths around the town
decided to promote active vacations to attract potential visitors(esp young people)
turned out to be successful
5. man's problem: going to attend a wedding of his friend, but does not have a suitable suit to wear
man suggests by himself:
1) ask his friends to alter the size of the suit available
2) buy his own suit
which do you suggest?
6. 2 ways of adaptation that trees use to protect themselves from a forest fire
1) cooling the inner part of the tree down
2) remove the resources that might cause a fire(P-Pine tree freq. shake off the small branches to keep off the fire from climbing on the main branch)