P11 Task 1 Compare 2 singers, similarities 另一版本:描述你熟悉的兩個singer的difference
Task 2 Some ask older ppl (parents, grandparents) for advice, others ask their friend(same age)
P12 Task 1 如何减少温室气体排放, scientists should responsible for negative impacts of their discoveries?
Task 2 更愿住modern building还是historical building,
P13 Task 1 是喜欢那一种艺术家,是摄影还是音乐。
Task 2 是喜欢用纸质书还是电子书,理由
P14 Task 1 Describe a change in your country. It could be a social, economical or political change. Explain how this change influenced people in your country.
Task 2 Some students prefer to live alone or live with their friends when they study abroad. Other students prefer to live with local family when they study abroad. Which way do you prefer and why?
P15 Task 1 讨论如何解决城市交通拥挤的问题。 What do you think we should do to decrease the usage of car or other vehicle and solve the traffic problems?
Task 2 动物保护应该是政府出钱 还是私人出钱。 Do you think government should spend funding to save the animals which on the age of extinction or only for private source?
P16 Task 1 What personal quality do you admire most? creativity,courage or intelligence? Explain why? Please include details and examples in your response.
Task 2 Some people prefer to listen to music while they are studying or working. Others prefer to stay in a quiet place while they are studying or working. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response.
P17 Task 1 描述你是如何保证完成assignment or homework
Task 2 outdoor activities和indoor你喜欢哪个and why
P18 Task 1 一个学校成功与否取决于他是否有很多的textbook。
Task 2 Agree or Disagree : 学校要求每年40hours的community service是有必要的。
P19 Task 1 說說你 visit 过的兩个城市的不同
Task 2 学校在小学阶段就教学生用计算机,你同意还是不同意这么做。 Do you agree that teachers should encourage students to use computers from primary school ?
P20 Task 1 Two different schools you have attended
Task 2 你是否同意,现在的学生要比以前更加work harder in study?