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2016-07-15 13:56


【 liuxue86.com - 托福预测 】




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Parents must have stricter rules to help their children become successful.

  I disagree:

  1. Strict rules weaken children’s creativity and imagination.(孩子完全按照父母的指令去做事,缺乏自己的思考)

  2. Strict rules may prevent effective communication between parents and children.(孩子不敢与父母交流,代沟变大)


  Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available on the market, while other people prefer to wait. Which do you prefer?

  I prefer to wait:

  1. It will cost too much money if we buy a technological device as soon as it is available.(奇货可居,大家都抢着买,价格会高;电子产品过一段时间热度消退可能会降价)

  2. New products always have some bugs or deficiency in function.(新产品往往还处在测试期,很多功能还不完善,往往性能不稳定;windows系统的例子)

  3. New products lack users’ feedbacks.(新产品刚开始使用,缺少用户的使用情况反馈,不能帮助消费者很好判断该产品是否适合自己)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than to achieve success.

  I agree:

  1. To remain happy and optimistic is a positive attitude toward life.(良好的心态可以帮助人们面对生活的起伏)

  2. To remain happy and optimistic helps us to learn from our failure.(失败之后不气馁可以帮助人们更好认清自己的不足,把握机会冲刺成功)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Society has created too many rules for young people.

  I disagree:

  1. Fewer and fewer families have rules for young kids.(Many children do not do simple housework. Some even do not say hello to their parents.)

  2. Young students constantly break rules at school. (Some disrupt classroom order intentionally. Others drink in dorms or smoke in washrooms. Few teachers stress the importance of behavior.)

  3. Many youngsters lack good manners in public places. (Bad habits such as littering are common. They are loud and unruly in restaurants and pubs. No rules make them respect senior citizens.)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The ability to maintain a small circle of close friends over a long period of time is more important for happiness than the ability to make new friends easily.

  Both are important:

  1. Old friends can offer effective help when we are in need.(老朋友更了解我们的情况,知道我们需要什么)

  2. New friends can broaden our horizons and teach us new things.(新朋友有不同的生活经历,也有不同的文化背景等)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers' salaries.

  I disagree

  Para.1: Currently, there is a widespread belief that increasing teacher’s salaries is the best way to improve the quality of the education in a country. From my perspective, however, it is an overstatement to claim so.

  Para.2: Admittedly, increasing teachers’ salaries may contribute to the improvement of education. 解释. However, to consider increasing teachers’ salaries to be the best way is a piece of overemphasis, for there exist other approaches, which are as good as, or even better than this one.

  Para.3: In the first place, schools should invest more on teaching facilities. 解释. 例子. 小结.

  Para.4: Furthermore, professional training should be arranged for teachers to improve their teaching ability. 解释. 例子. 小结.

  Para.5: In conclusion, …


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  People living in big cities are more satisfied than those living in the countryside.

  I agree:

  1. Life in big cities is more convenient.(购物方便:大型商场、24小时便利店;出行方便:高铁、飞机、地铁等)

  2. People can enjoy better educational resources.(更多的学校,学校设施齐全)

  3. Advanced medical equipment ensures citizens’ health.(先进的医疗设备,更加专业的医生和护理人员)

  I disagree:

  1. Life in the countryside is less stressful. (竞争不大,工作压力小)

  2. The good environment in the countryside contributes to people’s health.(汽车、工厂少,污染物排放少,洁净的空气、干净的水等)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  If people are on vacation (holiday), they should leave their mobile phones at home.

  I disagree:

  1. Mobile phones provide travelers with essential information.(景点介绍,信息搜寻,天气预报等)

  2. Mobile phones enable people to contact their friends and share their joy. (在社交网络上分享相片,与家人或朋友联络)

  3. Mobile phones have other practical functions to make traveling easier and more convenient.(电子支付、网上购物、打车如Uber)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  A big party inviting many people is better than a party inviting merely close friends and family members.

  I disagree:

  1. Small parties inviting close friends and family members offer a perfect opportunity to communicate with each other.(Big party人多,不可能跟每个人都深入交流,而small party更适合大家一起聊天沟通)

  2. Small parties inviting close friends and family members cost less and are easily to be arranged. (small party不需要另外租场地,在家里就可以了,而且也不需要购买太多的物品;通知安排也比较轻松)

  3. Small parties inviting close friends and family members will not disturb the neighbors.(人多就会很吵,会影响到邻居们的生活和休息)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The best way for people to relax is to spend time alone.

  I disagree:

  1. Admittedly, spending time alone may enable people to avoid others’ disturbance and to have a good rest. (好好地睡一觉,安静地看书看电视电影)

  2. Doing sports with friends is another effective way to get relaxed. (运动是一种宣泄的方式,能够有效地减少精神压力)

  3. By traveling with a group of people, we can enjoy ourselves and get relaxed. (新环境给人们带来新的体验,美景能够使人精神愉悦而放松)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  It is as important for older people to learn new things as it is for younger people.

  I agree:

  1. Learning new things is essential for older people’s mental health.(年纪大了容易寂寞,而且记忆力和思考能力可能会下降,要保持大脑的活跃)

  2. Learning new things can make old people’s life more convenient. (学会网上购物就不用出门买东西了;使用软件打车使得出行便利等)

  3. Learning new things enables old people to shorten the generation gap with the young generation. (有共同话题可以聊天)


  Which is the best way for students to make friends?

  A. participating in sport teams, B. volunteering for community service,

  C. traveling.

  participating in sport team:

  1. Participating in sport teams enables students to have a long time to play with each other. (在运动队里大家一直一起训练,一起比赛,相处的时间就会更长)

  2. The sense of belonging and mutual goal strengthen the friendship among students. (大家属于同一个大家庭彼此之间更加亲密;大家都会为了自己的团队而努力加油)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The most important for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.

  I disagree:

  1. Admittedly, improving the efficiency and proficiency of its employees is significant for a company’s development. (使得产品生产效率提高,减少错误率)

  2. The company should attach much importance to the quality of its products.(产品质量是公司存在的灵魂,只有好的产品才会被消费者接受并且推广下去;三鹿奶粉)

  3. Advertising is also essential for a company to win its popularity. (广告能够让消费者了解产品,提升企业的知名度,让更多人熟悉该企业的产品和服务)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The government must make choices about how to spend its money in amusing the people. Given the choice between spending tax dollars on the arts or sports, it should choose to spend those dollars on the arts.

  I disagree:

  1. Sports contribute to people’s health. (运动可以锻炼肌肉,使身体更加强壮,增强免疫力,抵御各种疾病)

  2. Sports enable people to cultivate the spirit of cooperation. (很多体育运动如篮球、足球都是需要团队合作)

  3. Sports provide people with a good opportunity to make more friends. (运动场上可以遇到更多的人)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Technology designed to make people’s lives simpler makes people’s lives more complicated.

  I agree:

  1. The increasing number of automobiles leads to traffic jams and air pollution in cities. (汽车原本是为了使得人们的出行变得更加方便,但是太多的私家车造成了城市出行高峰期的交通堵塞,甚至导致交通事故;更糟糕的是,汽车尾气排放的二氧化碳会导致温室效应,一氧化氮和二氧化氮会造成光化学污染等)

  2. The Internet creates spam information and false news. (信息爆炸的社会中太多的信息出现在网络上,使得人们目不暇接;而且很多信息都是虚假信息,会给人们造成误导)

  3. The use of mobile phones reduces the efficiency of communication. (人们太过于依赖手机,即使在朋友聚会的时候,也在盯着自己的手机)


  A developer has proposed three reconstruction plans for the local community. Which of the following plan would you choose? Why?

  1) Performance arts center

  2) Hotel

  3) Shopping mall

  Shopping mall:

  1. The shopping mall offers more job opportunities for local people. (购物中心有更多的商铺,能够提供更多的就业机会)

  2. The shopping mall makes people’s life more convenient. (购物、吃饭、娱乐很方便)

  3. The shopping mall can boost the local economy. (刺激居民消费;给政府提供税收)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  It was easier to be successful in the past than it is today.

  I disagree:

  1. More people have access to higher education and thus are equipped with advanced knowledge. (高等教育可以使人们的视野开阔,并且能够很好地分析社会动态,抓住机遇,从而获得成功)

  2. The policy today encourages young people to establish their own business. (为了鼓励年轻人创业,政府给年轻人提供了绿色通道,并且给年轻人提供了减免税收等多种政策优惠)

  3. The Internet provides adequate useful information for people. (互联网可以及时提供社会发展动态,让人们了解社会中发生的各种事情及政策的变化等)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The people in the past were friendlier than people today.

  I agree:

  1. The quickening pace of life and busy work make people less friendly in daily life. (工作的压力使得人们很疲惫,而且也没有很多的空闲时间,因此大家生活中都很匆忙,很少见面停下了打招呼,人际关系疏远)

  2. The fierce competition at work makes people less friendly. (在现代社会中,人与人之间的激烈竞争会疏远同事之间的关系,使得人际关系没有以前那么和谐)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  In the past, people were more interested in improving their neighborhoods than they are now.

  I disagree:

  1. More people have access to higher education and thus are aware of the importance of improving their neighborhoods. (人们接受高等教育后素质得到很大的提高,能够理解自己是社区的一份子,应该为社区做出一份贡献)

  2. The Internet provides adequate useful information for people to know how to improve their neighborhoods. (网上会有很多世界各地人们改善社区的例子,会给现在的人们带来灵感和动力)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he lead.

  I agree:

  1. Making decisions quickly enables a leader to grasp every opportunity. (机会往往转瞬即逝,领导者应该具有当机立断的能力去判断形势做出决定)

  2. The ability to make decisions quickly shows the accumulation of experience and superior capability of a leader. (领导者之所以能够领导一群人,是因为他之前有丰富的经验很超凡的能力,这可以通过他做决策的速度体现出来。一个有着丰富经验和很强能力的领导者能够快速看透问题的本质,抓住问题的关键)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Workers would be more satisfied if they have various kinds of work to do during work day instead of doing the same job all day long.

  Currently, there is a widespread belief that workers should do similar tasks all day long to improve the efficiency. From my perspective, however, during the workday, workers will be more satisfied if they have a variety of tasks to do.

  In the first place, workers will get tired easily if they keep doing the same type of task for a long time. As is known to all, people will become tired and lose efficiency if they concentrate on the same thing for a long time, for their brains cannot have a rest. This will further create risk of making mistakes or even physical injuries if the person keeps the same body gesture for a long time. By contrast, different types of tasks provide workers with the opportunity to shift their minds and make them less tired during the work. For example, my brother, Jeff, used to complain that he felt the efficiency decreased as time passed during the workday. Jeff is a computer engineer in a big company and he used to spend a whole day sitting in front of his computer to write the codes and check them. Such repetitive work made him bored and he could not focus on his work after several hours. When the executive of the company found this problem, he changed the work mode. Now, Jeff does not need to spend the whole day in front of his computer; he has other tasks to do, such as helping with the workstation outside, talking with the clients and so on. This makes Jeff more satisfied and he never complains his job again.

  Furthermore, by doing a variety of tasks, a person can develop skills in different areas. This can help the person with his or her career development because the worker has more skills to apply for a greater range of jobs. In modern society, a person with several skills is easier to achieve success. In contrast, if a worker always does the same thing, he/she may lose many opportunities to be promoted as long as there is someone better than him/her. For example, my cousin, Jackson, works in a big company after graduation and his daily work involves a lot of things, including arranging the conference, negotiating with other companies, drawing the market plan for the department and so on. Thanks to the valuable experience he accumulates in those different tasks, he has been promoted to be the sales manager. While one of his classmates, Tom, working in another company, still works as an ordinary clerk, as Tom only does the same task every day and does not have any advantage to compete with others. It is evident that different tasks offer workers various skills and help them to succeed.

  In conclusion, workers are more satisfied when they have many different types of tasks to do during the workday due to the avoiding of tiredness and the skills gained from those different tasks.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  People nowadays spend much more time than they should using text messages and new technologies such as social media to communicate with each other.

  I agree:

  1. Too much use of online communicative tools reduces the efficiency of communication among people. (人们过度依赖发送文本信息和社交网络,使得面对面交流减少,在交流过程中缺乏情感)

  2. Too much use of online communicative tools distracts people from their work or study. (人们花了太多的时间使用社交网路,常常盯着屏幕等着别人的回复,使得人们无心于学习和工作)






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